  • Carpaccio!: 80 Wafer Thin Recipes - Thea Spierings

Carpaccio!: 80 Wafer Thin Recipes - Thea Spierings

Hardback.  Near new condition.  2008

When ordering carpaccio in a restaurant you used to know what to expect, wafer thin slices of beef, sprinkled with vinaigrette and garnished with parmesan cheese and pine nuts.  These days, a diner can expect a pleasant surprise. 

Carpaccio is used to indicate the method of preparation.  Anything served in finely cut slices can now be described as carpaccio.  In this carpaccio cookbook, many various possibilities are presented. 

Carpaccio! has 80 different carpaccio recipes.  Delicious dishes to be served as snacks, starters or even irresistible desserts using different finely sliced fruit.
  • $10.00