  • The Big Book of Fabulous Food - Jane Kennedy

The Big Book of Fabulous Food - Jane Kennedy

Paperback.   Very good condition.   2015

Jane Kennedy loves food. Both cooking it and eating it.  But Jane can't eat anything she wants.  That's because she gets fat.

In The Big Book of Fabulous Food, Jane shares recipes that are fast, fresh and bursting with flavour.  They will also make you feel fantastic.  These are dishes for every day in the home, for supper parties and for those nights when you can't be bothered cooking and are tempted just to get a takeaway.

The Big Book of Fabulous Food is a collection of Jane's favourite healthy, achievable, and delicious recipes that are easy to follow and beautifully illustrated.  Whether you're after new ideas for brunch, low-calorie versions of old favourites, inspiring salads to take to work, or hearty dinners, this is your new way of cooking - quick and easy recipes packed full of flavour that won't leave you piling on the pounds!
  • $16.00